Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I made a website for myself a few months ago, but it was hideous. I have re-done it, and I am still not really satisfied with it, but I think it looks a little better than before. I don't know about your internet, but my internet loads it at a snail's pace.

You can (try to) view it here.

This piece is based off the California Condors I saw at the San Diego Wild Animal Park that are almost extinct. Their wingspan is so wide that when they sit on telephone wires it allows the electrical current to connect to the ground and they get electrocuted. Before they get released into the wild, the birds are trained with mild electric shocks to never fully extend their wings when sitting on wires.

I was also kind of trying to emulate the line work that has made some of my other pieces more successful and was desperately trying to avoid obsessing with painting with purple and orange like I usually do. Anyway, here it is.



aripatrinos said...

Condors are terrific birds!
I can't access your resume. I keep getting an error message.

Richard Ray Chan said...

love the bird lol.