Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Recipe Zines - Nutella Pinwheel Cookies

Here's another recipe zine. I made these cookies and as you can see they aren't as pretty as the ones the author of this recipe made-- but they are DELICIOUS and they make amazing coffee cookies. I hope you like Nutella!

Try to ignore the typo I made... Gotta fix that...

I'm planning on making copies for trade at SPX if you would like to trade with me :)

The source for this recipe is The Purple Foodie.



Shaheen said...

OMG I LOVE it! I was on holiday and just got back to reading all the comments on the blog and I'm SO happy to see this. I don't know what SPX is/was but I'm up for trading. :)

fire-plug said...

Oh yeah? Whatchya got!